Wednesday, December 2, 2015

May We Appreciate the Funny People Who Are Close to Us -- As Well as the TV Comedians

Do you have one of thise funny husbands (like Ray Romano's character of Ray Barone, on "Everyone Loves Raymond")? If so, do all of your girlfriends tell you how fortunate you are, because, your husband or partner is such a card? And do you really appreciate the rave reviews, of your guy's gift of humor -- as well (of course), as the fact that your guy has such a gift of making people laugh and smile? Or -- Does your guy's jokes get old, if he reruns them regularly?

Do you have a family member, such as a parent or a sibling, that has a great sense of humor? And do they make jokes at appropriate times? Or -- Do they tend to use humor to deflect serious issues? Is that your husband or wife? Or -- Are you someone who has always had a knack of making people laugh, and know how to use that gift, at appropriate times?

A funny person, may use their class-clown ways to humor or manipulate. And sometimes, you can't get enough. While, othertimes, you may have enough, because the person might seem hard-to-reach -- like, they are always 'on' and ready to tell a joke or two, to (sometimes) skirt serious issues.

Being funny, is a cool thing. To make someone smile and heartily laugh, is a great virtue.

If you are fortunate enough, to have such a gift or talent -- then, hopefully, everyone around, can seriously appreciate your funny ways. And, if you know someone who can make you genuinely smile and heartily laugh -- then, that preciousness, is hopefully not taken-for-granted.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Do You Currently Anticipate Saying 'You Can't Make Me -- I'm Retired' When You Retire?

Responsibility -- Some people thrive on having an ample amount of obligations to fulfill; while others, may thrive on the anticipation of putting-in their time, so that, they may reach the point-in-time when they can rest, relax, play, or -- do whatever their non-obligated-hearts desire, without the need to punch a time-clock or to follow an extensive agenda. And that time, is the time of retirement.

If you have all of your ducks-in-a-row, and plan effectively ahead -- you may sit-pretty, on your balanced easy-chair, or on the beach, sipping your favorite drink. Preparation, commitment, and (typically) a lot of hard work is key; (unless, you're a king or queen; or, just, really lucky.).

Some of us, may be a bit-more fore-sighted, when it comes to planning for retirement. If you can relate to having all-of-your-ducks-in-a-row... then, kudos, to you!

May we all strive for a happy and healthy future, with prosperity and abundace working for us; instead of, being responsible for our obligationful agendas (unless, that responsibility, is what drives you, with a great sense of fulfillment).

When you retire, you may be just like a kid again. You can state that you don't want to do something, because after-all, no one can make you, after you have busted your behind, for all of your work-contributing years...

'Spoofy-Cool' is When 'Mona' and 'Grumpy' Get Together

Now, the classic "Mona Lisa" masterpiece, may be a very well-known portrait, that has made a great impression in history. However -- how cool, is the currently popular "Grumpy Cat", who makes looking 'grumpy', a cool thing, in itself?

And... When the two well-knowns, of 'Mona' and 'Grumpy' come together... Well, it makes for a classic parody. Can you deny, that's a very-original masterpiece concept, and that it gives 'spoofy-cool', to us, as somthing that we can really appreciate; as 'grumpy' meet the 'lovely' (in 'modern-day' unity)?
Grumpy Cat Mona Lisa Poster
Grumpy Cat Mona Lisa Poster by thegrumpycat
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